Happiest Minds Technologies sacked staff members for working second jobs, following Wipro and Infosys

A few employees who were caught moonlighting or working two jobs after hours, according to information technology company Happiest Minds Technologies, were sacked. According to the business, moonlighting is unacceptable because it constitutes a contract violation, according to PTI.

The corporation intended to make a statement against moonlighting, according to Joseph Anantharaju, executive vice chairman of the company, therefore actions were taken against individuals who were eventually fired. The workers couldn't be working second jobs, he claimed. He noted that it is different if they want to work as teachers in a school on the weekend.

Anantharaju claimed that the business has begun resuming hiring since there is little room for illegal activities like moonlighting that may be discovered and stopped sooner.

Moonlighting is the practice of taking up additional employment outside of regular working hours without telling or getting permission from the existing employer. In the West, when workers began looking for second employment after work hours to supplement their income, the phrase gained popularity.

Infosys, which has previously claimed to have "let go" of workers who were discovered working for two different businesses, recently let its employees to take up gig employment on the side with the management' prior consent. The gig tasks are to be completed outside of regular business hours and on the employees' personal time, the employer made clear.
