After finding mysterious holes in the Atlantic seafloor, researchers ask for the public’s assistance.

Scientists have uncovered a number of puzzling holes on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, and they've asked internet users for their views on how they might have formed.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) uploaded pictures of the undersea structure to Facebook. They stated that while previously reported from the area, perfectly matched holes were seen on Saturday. The three ocean exploration excursions on the NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer known as "Voyage to the Ridge 2022" included the discovery of the unusual indentations.

The NOAA stated in a press release that the researchers are unable to definitively identify the origin or method of construction of the holes. However, scientists have proposed that the holes could represent digging and removal by an organism living in the sediment or, possibly, by a feeding appendage of huge animals on the silt top.

The federal organisation came to the conclusion that "the ultimate origin of the holes still remains a mystery."

Many comment sections Captain Nemos hypothesised that some form of burrowing worm, such as the "Bobbit worm," a creature of the deep that buryeth itself in sand or gravel and waits for its prey, was responsible for the holes. The creature can move up to 20 feet per second as it yanks passing prey, including fish, back into its hole with its comical scissor-like jaws. After feeding, it leaves a hole where it was.

The wormhole theory was universally accepted by scientists as being quite credible.