International Women’s Day: “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”.

The United Nations theme for this year’s women’s day is “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”. The purpose of this year's theme is to celebrate the women and girls who are working in the charge of climate change and contributing to a sustainable future.

“ International Women’s Day is an occasion to celebrate the progress made towards achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment in all fields” - says UNESCO.

Each year Women’s day is celebrated on March 8. This day is marked for women and girls all around the globe. On this day everyone celebrates women and acknowledges their significance. This year's international theme is mainly “Gender equality”. The theme intends to promote and motivate people to abolish discrimination and gender norms.

Indian Reputable Institutes are making their part into the Women’s day celebration and to raise awareness. The University of Allahabad has organized poster making, essay writing, and quiz competition. The theme is “Women in the 21st century”. There will be different startups programme by alumni of the center of fashion Designing and Technology.

Other several institutes, Universities, colleges, and workplaces will also celebrate women’s day by organizing cultural events, giving speeches and performances.

The Indian Council of Technical Education(AICTE) has organized the ‘2nd Lilavati Awards’ on part of Women’s day virtually. To embark the occasion the Union Minister of Women and Child Development, Smriti Zubin will present the organization.

We as a whole are responsible to make the world a better place and protecting women's integrity is what we shall practice. Women and girls are a huge part of forming the upcoming future.

We should not just embrace the greatness of women on only women's day, but also practice in our day-to-day lives.

Gandhi once said-We should become the change we want to see in the world”. We should embark on the changes within us, as it all starts with us.

Happy Women’s Day!
