Maithili Sharan Gupt

National poet 'Maithili Sharan Gupt' was a famous Hindi poet. His work Bharat-Bharati (1912) proved to be very influential during India's freedom struggle. For this reason, Mahatma Gandhi also gave him the title of 'Rashtrakavi'.

Biography of Maithili Sharan Gupt

Real NameMaithali Sharan Gupt
Profession Poet, Writter
Date of Birth3 August, 1886
Death12 December, 1964
Birth PlaceJhasi
Famous Storiesभारत भारती, साकेत, यशोधरा, द्वापर,
जयभारत, विष्णुप्रिया
Family Father – Seth Ramnayan Gupt
Mother – Kashi Bai

Literary achievements of Gupt ji

Maithilisharan Gupta has an important place in Hindi literature. In the Hindi literary world, he is famous by the name of 'Dadda'. He was a proven signature of the literary discourse of the 'Dwivedi era'. He used to write in 'Khadi Boli'. Gupta ji has an important contribution in giving literary basis to Khari Boli in Hindi literature. By creating many classic works, Maithilisharan Gupt has further enriched the immense wealth of Hindi literature.

Expression of patriotism through poetry

The works of Maithili Sharan Gupt are full of patriotism. The feeling of patriotism is reflected in his poems. He has not only glorified the nation's past but has also woven reality into his works. In this perspective, ‘Bharat Bharati’ is a unique work. This work inspired many during the freedom struggle. Because of this composition, Gandhiji honored Gupta ji with the title of national poet.

Bharat Bharati: This work was written in 1912-13. This poetry not only sings the ancient glory of India but also depicts the reality of those times. Apart from this, it also serves to observe the ways to achieve the ultimate glory of India in the coming future.

भू-लोक का गौरव प्रकृति का पुण्य लीला-स्थल कहाँ ?

फैला मनोहर गिरी हिमालय और गंगाजल जहाँ । 

सम्पूर्ण देशों से अधिक किस देश का उत्कर्ष है,

उसका कि जो ऋषिभूमि है, वह कौन ? भारत वर्ष है॥

हाँ, वृद्ध भारतवर्ष ही संसार का सिरमौर है,

ऐसा पुरातन देश कोई विश्व में क्या और है ?

भगवान की भव-भूतियों का यह प्रथम भण्डार है,

विधि ने किया नर-सृष्टि का पहले यहीं विस्तार है॥

यह पुण्य भूमि प्रसिद्ध है, इसके निवासी ‘आर्य्य’ हैं;

विद्या, कला-कौशल्य सबके, जो प्रथम आचार्य्य हैं ।

संतान उनकी आज यद्यपि, हम अधोगति में पड़े;

पर चिन्ह उनकी उच्चता के, आज भी कुछ हैं खड़े॥

In the Hindi literary world, Gupta ji made many new experiments in writing women's discourse. Maithili Sharan Gupt ji had a different perspective on women, which is reflected in his writings. He has given a special place to Indian women in many of his poems and has tried to depict the sacrifice and deprivation of their character. He has also given place to neglected women like Yashodhara, Urmila and Kaikeyi in his poetry and has portrayed them in a different way. Is painted.


Maithili Sharan Gupt has left a different but excellent mark in the world of Hindi literature. Guptji was an expert in crafting the contemporary consciousness and its evolving form. He was called national poet because he gave voice to the soul of the nation of that time. He was accepted as a representative poet of modern Hindi poetry stream. In order to portray his character, he chose the human form and not the supernatural or supernatural. His expression is serious. Due to these characteristics, his poetic lines are used as proverbs even in common people. Today, 3rd August, on his birth anniversary, we on behalf of ultranews pay tribute to him.

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