4 self-help books to develop self-love within oneself and for your self-acceptance journey.

If you are someone who is struggling with self-acceptance and have low self-esteem then no worries, kudos to the writer and people who aspire for other people to become their best selves by creating immaculate self-help books. 

Self-love or self-acceptance is not a destination that you need to reach. It’s a journey to becoming your best self. But you must not think that you are not enough or something like that or you are not your best self. You are exactly there, where you need to be. You are not early nor you’re late or lag behind. 

Self-acceptance also comes with making peace with the state you currently reside in. If you feel like you aren’t satisfied then also make peace with it. Making peace with your current state will make room for you to create the life you want and desire. 

Self-love is a form of art. We should embrace who we are and eventually love ourselves. With that being said, there is a lot more to self-love. If you want to explore this subject then consider going through the list of self-help books, I have assembled for your journey.

  1. Gmorning, Gnight! by Lin-Manuel Miranda

About the author- Lin-Manuel Miranda is a composer, lyricist, writer, rapper, and actor. He is an award-winning artist (including Tony, Grammy, Pulitzer Prize, and MacArthur "Genius" Award) known for In the Heights (composer-lyricist, actor) and Hamilton (book, music and lyrics, in addition to playing the title role).

If you are a book worm along with a believer in the universe, then this book is for you. This book basically is a pep talk for everyone. This book contains affirmations for anyone who needs a positive lift. 

This book can be called a warm hug to the readers, as it contains affirmations to inspire as well as lift you whenever you want.

  1. You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

About the author- Jen Sincero is a #1 New York Times Bestselling author, speaker and success coach who has helped countless people transform their personal and professional lives via her public appearances, private sessions, coaching seminars and, most recently, her latest #1 NY Times Bestselling book, "You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life".

This book is one of the best self-help books of all time. You are a badass contains 27 chapters which contain ways to be the best version of yourself and be the badass. It has inspiring stories to lift you up.

  1. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain.

About the author- QUIET: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking,” was released in January 2012, from Crown Publishers in the U.S., and from Viking/Penguin in the U.K. Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts was released in May 2016 from Dial Books in the U.S., and from Penguin Life in the U.K. "BITTERSWEET: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole" has been released in the U.S. and U.K.

As an introvert, I extremely find this book so much helpful. If you are an introvert too, then this is the book for you. Being an introvert sometimes feels like a curse or should I say used to be!. This book really demolishes the need to be an extrovert to survive in this world. It makes us realise the power we have as an introvert. This book makes us concede that introverts are good enough, nobody needs to change themselves in order to fit in.

Even if you are an extrovert, still you can add this book to your reading list, as it will help you gain a different perspective of seeing the world. Also, it will help you understand an introvert's way of perceiving the world.

  1. The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Anchor

About the author- Shawn Achor is an American educator, author, and speaker known for his advocacy of positive psychology. He is best known for his research reversing the formula of success leading to happiness—his research shows that happiness in fact leads to success. Achor spent 12 years studying what makes people happy at Harvard University. He later authored The Happiness Advantage and founded the Institute of Positive Research and GoodThinkInc. His TEDx talk "The Happy Secret to Better Work" is one of the 20-most viewed TED talks.

In the book “The happiness advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work”, the author concede that happiness is not something that is achieved by certain possession or material success. It says happiness is in the moment, and we are happiness. This book will help you to acknowledge what really matters rather than finding happiness through material success or possession.

Reading is a powerful tool. Everyone should develop the habit of reading books.

One must always be careful of books," said Tessa, "and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.”

― Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel.