It’s worldwide cat day today, so say meow and spend some more time with the cats

International Cat Day, which is observed on August 8, honours one of man's most popular and long-standing pets. They were even revered as gods (we see you, Egypt.) Being one of the greatest creatures on the planet, cats are independent, inquisitive, and adventurous creatures with amazing physiognomy and the ability to cure themselves—at least most of the time.

In order to honour cats and defend them against mistreatment, the International Fund for Animal Welfare established the International Cat Day. Since 2020, International Cat Care, a British non-profit organisation that has been advocating for the welfare of cats since 1958, has had custody of International Cat Day.

Even though they are descended from the African Wildcat and were once employed to catch vermin, cats are carnivorous tiny furry creatures with four legs, a tail, and claws that humans have domesticated as pets from ancient times.

Cats have long benefited from human company. They were initially tamed by hunter-gatherers who kept them as pets.Unlike a dog or a horse, a cat moves its front and back legs first on one side, then its front and back legs on the other, when walking or running. The only two animals that move similarly are camels and giraffes.

You can honour International Cat Day by adopting a cat from a stray or neighbourhood shelter. Poor kittens often go days without eating. Many of these cats die because they are not shielded from the elements or because people mistreat them.

Your cat will reward you profusely with purring affection and hugs, regardless of whether you get her a new cat condo, bed, toy, or goodies.

Making or baking something special for your cat, like these homemade cat tuna treats, is a great way to spoil them.

You may easily adopt your animal friends to protect them. Another choice is getting your cat a new toy. Undoubtedly, it will value that. Remember to spend time with them as well. A pet could not possibly value anything more.
