Nothing would be imposed on students; no decision has been made about the merger of NEET and JEE with CUET: UGC Chief

Nothing will be required of students, according to UGC Chairman M Jagadesh Kumar, who said on Thursday that no formal decision had been made regarding the merger of the medical entrance exam, the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET), and the engineering entrance exam, the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE), with the Common University Entrance Test Undergraduate (CUET UG).

After Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan stated that there were no plans to combine JEE and NEET with the CUET for the following two years, Mr. Kumar made his remarks two days later. JEE and NEET will eventually be combined with the CUET, according to a statement made last month by the head of the University Grants Commission (UGC).

We are considering merging NEET and JEE with CUET so that there may be a more extensive debate among stakeholders, and there is no formal decision that we have taken on this…nothing will be imposed on students from the top from next year. There will be a joint exam," Mr. Kumar said. The UGC chief commented at a round table on "Enhancing Competitiveness and Quality Revolution in Indian Higher Education."

"The present kids in Class 11 and 12 should not be impacted by any decision, even if one is made. We must give them enough time since, at the very least, it won't be put into effect for another two years. It will be carried out following sufficient consultations and consideration of input, "Added he. The National Testing Agency (NTA) had to cancel the tests at some centers due to problems with the first edition of CUET UG, which started in July.

  The CUET, the single entrance for undergraduate admissions in all central institutions, has surpassed JEE-average Main's registration of nine lakh candidates to become the second-largest entrance test in the nation with 14.9 lakh registrations. NEET UG is the biggest entrance test in India, with an average of 18 lakh registrations. While JEE Mains is a Computer-Based Test (CBT) conducted twice a year, NEET is conducted in pen and paper mode.
