At Chennai Airport, Gold Worth 1.21 Million Was Seized, and a Flyer Was Arrested

A traveller was detained in connection with various occurrences at the airport where more than two kilogrammes of gold worth 1.21 crore rupees were seized, according to the Customs Department on Tuesday.
The golden metal was taken from a visitor who arrived from Colombo on Monday by the department's sleuths. According to a press statement, the traveller hid the money in the form of paste in his rectum.

On August 11, while the traveller was arriving from Kuala Lumpur, officials seized items from his checked luggage. According to the announcement, his gold chain and reconditioned phones were taken away.

Gold ingots were taken that day from a visitor who came from Bahrain. The priceless metal was hidden in his pant pockets.

According to sources at the Customs, passengers with gold valued above 20 lakh without legal documentation are arrested, while those with less gold are warned and released after their information is gathered.

According to the press release, 2.62 kg of gold worth 1.21 crore rupees and 90,000 rupees in electronic products were seized in all cases in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Customs Act.

In a different incident on Sunday, a Tanzanian woman was detained after arriving from Nairobi with what was apparently methaqualone powder, a prohibited drug.

The chemical was concealed in her shoes. Methaqualone is a sedative and hypnotic that depresses the central nervous system.
