Watch How Astronauts Perform Cleaning in Space on “Cleaning Day”

Have you ever thought about what it could be like to work in space? On the International Space Station, astronauts work and live in a very different situation on Earth (ISS). The International Space Station's courageous crew members are a special breed, yet at their core, they are just regular people going about their daily lives. They must practice good personal hygiene, go to the bathroom, eat, drink, and keep a balanced diet, just like the rest of us. They do all of these tasks in the demanding zero-gravity environment of the space station.
The European Space Agency recently posted a video of astronauts cleaning the area on their Instagram feed as part of their routine.

The title accompanying the video was "Your go-to song when cleaning? On the International Space Station (ISS), astronauts must spend their Saturday mornings cleaning up after the weekend.

The astronauts can be seen in the film washing food stains out of the vents, sanitizing frequently used equipment, and cleaning the ducts of dust.

Since it was posted, this video has received over 28 thousand likes and approximately 6.5 lakh views.

The European Space Agency claims, "Everything must be transported to the ISS from Earth because it is 400 kilometers away. As a result, the astronauts must save resources like food and water while minimizing waste.
