Three Easy Ways to Test the Purity of Honey

Honey or Madhurasa is used in all the houses. People use honey as an alternative to sugar. Apart from the kitchen, honey is also used in worship and for making Panchamrit. If we look at it, honey is used daily in our homes, in such a situation everyone wants that the honey should be pure and not adulterated.

Many people check the purity of honey at home or they keep consuming adulterated honey and do not realize it. In such a situation, today we will tell you about testing the purity of honey at home. With the help of the mentioned tips, you can easily test the purity of honey at home.

Identify the purity of honey with tissue paper

You can check the purity of honey with tissue paper. Now you must be wondering how to check the purity of honey with tissue paper, so let us tell you today that take a tissue paper and put a few drops of honey on it and leave it for some time.

After some time, check the tissue paper to see whether the honey has been completely absorbed or not. If the paper absorbs the honey then know that the honey is adulterated and if the honey remains deposited on the paper then know that the honey is genuine.

Test the purity of honey with bread

There is bread in every house, you can easily check the purity of honey with the help of bread. You can check the purity by putting honey (benefits of honey) in the bread. For this, take a piece of bread and add a few drops of honey to it and leave it for some time. After some time we will see whether the honey is on the bread or not. If the honey gets mixed in the bread and the bread becomes wet then know that the honey is adulterated and if the bread is not wet then the honey is pure.

Test the purity of honey with a matchstick

You can also check the purity of honey with a matchstick, this method is very easy, for this you do not have to do anything, just take a match stick and soak it in honey. Then light it immediately, if the match stick burns then the honey is not adulterated and if it takes some time to light the match or the match stick does not burn then know that the honey is adulterated and water is mixed in it.

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