Useful tips to Avoid Weather Change Sickness

As pleasant as the winter season seems, it brings with it as many problems. Those people whose immune system is weak are most at risk of diseases. In such a situation, today we are giving information about those tips which can help in strengthening your immunity.

Stay safe in changing weather with the help of these tips

Stay hydrated

As the cold weather approaches, people feel less thirsty. But still you should not reduce drinking water. Whatever the weather, the body needs adequate amount of water to function smoothly. Drinking water helps in detoxifying the body as well as controlling body temperature, protecting from infections and maintaining overall health.

Eat dry fruits

To stay away from diseases, it is important to have a strong immune system. In such a situation, you should consume dry fruits and seeds during cold weather. You should include almonds, pistachios, walnuts and pumpkin seeds in your diet. All these things are rich in iron, vitamin C, magnesium and calcium.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables

In the winter season, many fresh fruits and vegetables are available in the market. These fruits and green vegetables contain abundant amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, fiber and many minerals. Consuming these boosts immunity. These fruits and vegetables not only protect the body from all types of toxins but also help in removing them from the body. You must include carrot, beetroot, bathua, turnip, broccoli, radish, pear, orange and guava in your diet.

Drink herbal tea

You can taste herbal tea in cold weather. You can drink ginger, basil, cinnamon, mint tea. Antiseptic, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties are found in them, which strengthens immunity.

Sleep is important

To avoid diseases you need good sleep. When you get enough sleep, cells get repaired and grow which helps the body in fighting viruses and bacteria. In such a situation, it is important to get good sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours.

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