Why You Should Avoid to Eat Leafy Vegetables during Monsoon?

Monsoon brings relief to all after the hot summer. But the monsoon also brings with it the risk of many diseases. Many changes should be made in the diet in the rainy season. To stay healthy in this season, some things should be avoided from the diet. Some people advise not to eat green leafy vegetables in this season. Is it really forbidden to eat green leafy vegetables which are beneficial for health during the rainy season?

Green leafy vegetables are rich in nutrition. But if you eat them in monsoon, then you should be very careful and eat them in limit only and take special care of some things.

Why should not eat green leafy vegetables in monsoon?

Green leafy vegetables are in more contact with the ground. For this reason, they come in contact with water more and due to this, the possibility of contamination due to bacterial and viral infection remains high. If you cook them without washing them properly, they can grow fungal spores and cause foodborne illnesses. Green leafy vegetables grown in the monsoon may contain high levels of pesticide residues. Green vegetables can also cause digestion and gas problems during monsoon. Green leafy vegetables are more prone to spoilage during the rainy season, making them difficult to store.

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