World Heart Day 2022

Every year on September 29, World Heart Day 2022 is observed to promote awareness of the expanding issues surrounding cardiovascular health and diseases. 18.6 million people die from heart disease and stroke each year, which are the two leading causes of death worldwide. This international initiative encourages all people to take charge of their own and other people's heart health by engaging in various activities.

This year's theme revolves around 'USE HEART FOR EVERY HEART'.

Taking a moment to reflect on how to use the heart for mankind, the environment, and ourselves is appropriate on World Heart Day. This day also informs that by addressing risk factors such as cigarettes, bad food and physical inactivity, at least 80% of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke might be averted, according to the World Heart Federation (EHF) (EHF).

World Heart Day was conceived by Antoni Bayés de Luna, who served as president of the World Heart Federation from 1997 to 1999. From the first celebration on September 24, 2000, through 2011, it was observed on the last Sunday in September. The decision to observe the day on September 29 was made afterwards.

A handful of California walnuts as part of a balanced diet that includes both physical activity and a healthy diet is recommended by studies as a crucial step. This merits a place on your plate because it might lessen your chance of developing heart disease.

These nutrient powerhouses are also known to help reduce inflammation and enhance blood vessel function.3 A recent scientific review published in Advances of Nutrition also recommends that food sources high in plant-based omega-3 ALA, such as walnuts, should be consumed regularly.
