Report: Archaeologists Find a 1,200-Year-Old Shipwreck That Indicates a Lost Age

Off the coast of Israel, archaeologists recently came across wreckage that is said to be 1,200 years old. According to a story in, it is thought to be a commerce ship, indicating that trade may have continued after the Islamic conquest of the Holy Land.
It is believed that the ship went down around the 7th or 8th century AD. During this time, the Islamic Republic, which had grown in power throughout the eastern Mediterranean region, attempted to subdue the Byzantine Empire, which Christians ruled.

According to the researchers, the shipwreck shows that trade was still prospering despite the local religious tensions since it carried goods from all over the Mediterranean, including Cyprus, Egypt, Turkey, and the coast of North Africa.

According to Deborah Cvikel, a naval archaeologist at the University of Haifa, "It is exceptional primarily because of its size…and because of its date." "The history texts often mention that commerce nearly came to an end. The Mediterranean did not have any international trade. The majority of the vessels we used for cabotage were smaller, "Added she.

We believe the original ship was around 25 meters (82 feet) long and was loaded with cargo from throughout the Mediterranean, according to Ms. Cvikel.

Express claims the divers dove to great depths to retrieve the incredible array of wrecked antique artifacts. Additionally, they said that this was the largest wreckage they had ever found.

More than 200 amphoras still held fish sauce, various kinds of olives, dates, and figs are among the other items they discovered.
