Ola CEO Bhavish Aggarwal Sparks Debate Over Gender Pronouns

Avatar of Ayapiri Debbarma
BvsuAABScsP0QAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== Ola CEO Bhavish Aggarwal Sparks Debate Over Gender Pronouns

Bhavish Aggarwal, the CEO of Ola, has found himself at the center of a social media storm after expressing his views on gender pronouns, which he referred to as an “illness” from Western countries. Aggarwal’s comments were prompted by a LinkedIn AI bot that used non-binary pronouns “they” and “them” when referring to him. He shared a screenshot of this encounter on social media, leading to widespread discussion and debate.

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Ola CEO Bhavish Aggarwal Sparks Debate Over Gender Pronouns 13

In his post, Aggarwal criticized the adoption of non-binary pronouns, suggesting that such practices are unsuitable for India and are being imposed by multinational corporations without proper consideration of Indian culture. He expressed concern about the increasing prevalence of non-binary pronouns in Indian schools and job applications, cautioning against blindly following Western trends. “Hoping that this ‘pronoun illness’ doesn’t reach India. Many ‘big city schools’ in India are now teaching it to kids. Also see many CVs with pronouns these days. Need to know where to draw the line in following the west blindly! This ‘pronoun illness’ is being perpetuated in India by MNCs without us Indians even realising it,” Aggarwal wrote on his social media.

Ola CEO Bhavish Aggarwal Sparks Debate Over Gender Pronouns
Ola CEO Bhavish Aggarwal Sparks Debate Over Gender Pronouns 14

Aggarwal’s remarks received swift backlash from many users, who expressed disappointment and disagreement with his views. Critics argued that respecting individual pronouns is a fundamental aspect of human decency and a matter of personal identity, rather than a cultural import. “Respecting pronouns is a basic act of decency, not an illness,” commented one user.

Others called for a more inclusive understanding of cultural practices, emphasising the importance of recognizing and respecting diverse gender identities without undermining traditional values. “Using someone’s correct pronouns is the bare minimum to respect LGBTQ+ folks. You’re tweeting this just a month before Pride Month is celebrated, and I’d suggest you take this time to follow the thoughts of Queer leaders in India to understand their journey, struggles, and needs,” another user remarked.

The controversy surrounding Aggarwal’s comments underscores the ongoing debate over gender identity and inclusivity in Indian society. As discussions continue, it is essential to promote understanding and respect for diverse perspectives while navigating the intersection of cultural traditions and evolving social norms.

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