Advantages and Disadvantages of Eating Ragi

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Advantages and disadvantages of eating ragi
Advantages and disadvantages of eating ragi

In Ayurveda, proper eating habits have been said to be the key to staying healthy. Eating right means that you include things rich in nutrition in your diet at the right time and in the right quantity. Also, make changes in the diet according to the nature of the body and the season. Millets can help to a great extent in staying healthy. In today’s time, people have once again started including millets in their diet.

Actually, millets have been used in our country for generations. But, due to the health benefits of millets, their trend has increased again. Ragi is a millet rich in nutrition.

What is Ragi?

Ragi is a nutritious millet. It looks like mustard. It is one of the main cereals of India. Its scientific name is Eleusine Corcana. It is also called Madwa or Mandua, Nachni, Ragi and Finger Millet. It is also mentioned in Ayurvedic texts.

Which nutrients are found in ragi?

Calcium, iron, protein and fiber are found in abundance in ragi. 100 grams of ragi contains about 8 grams of protein. It also contains high amounts of potassium and magnesium. Vitamin E and antioxidants are also found in ragi.

Benefits of Ragi

  • Ragi flour is effective in reducing weight.
  • It contains calcium in abundance. Eating this strengthens bones and teeth.
  • Ragi also contains many essential amino acids. Which is very important especially for women.
  • Due to its high calcium content, Ragi is very beneficial for people suffering from osteoporosis.
  • It contains fiber in abundance. It improves digestion, is beneficial for bowel movement and also manages blood sugar levels.
  • It is naturally gluten-free. Therefore, people who are allergic to gluten can also include it in their diet.
  • Ragi is a good source of iron. Therefore, to increase hemoglobin level, it must be included in the diet.
  • People who have anemia in their body or who often feel tired and weak, must eat it.
  • The glycemic index of ragi is also low. Therefore, eating it does not increase sugar levels at all.
  • Eating it will be beneficial in diabetes.
  • It is a good source of plant based protein.
  • Many essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Thiamine, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Potassium are found in Ragi.
  • Ragi prevents heart diseases by managing cholesterol and BP levels.
  • Phytic acid and dietary fiber found in ragi reduces bad cholesterol.
  • Ferulic acid, present in ragi, helps in keeping the skin healthy. Anti-aging properties are also found in it.
  • Amino acids like methionine, cysteine ​​and lysine are found in ragi, which can be helpful in preventing cancer.
  • Anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties are found in it. By including it in the diet, sugar, arthritis and some allergies can be avoided.

Benefits of Ragi for Kids

  • Ragi is no less than a superfood for small children. It is full of nutritional value. Due to this, the bones of children develop properly.
  • Ragi does not allow blood deficiency in the body of children. It also strengthens the immune system of children. Its khichdi can be given to children. You can also make ragi porridge for children. This is very beneficial for growing children. However, before giving ragi flour to children, consult a dietician once.

Side Effects of Ragi

Although Ragi is very good for health. But, some people should avoid its consumption. If you have kidney stones or any other kidney related problem, then you should not eat Ragi because it contains a lot of protein and calcium. It is also advised not to eat ragi in case of thyroid. Ragi is hot in nature, hence one should not eat too much of it in summers. People who have weak digestion may also find it difficult to digest it.

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