Sawan Somvar: Lite Camphor for Good Luck

The month of Sawan is dedicated to Bhagwan Shiva and people are immersed in his devotion throughout. In this month, devotees try many different tricks to please their idol so that all their wishes can be fulfilled. One of these remedies is the remedy of camphor.

If this remedy is tried on any Monday of Sawan, it helps in removing the troubles in your life. Camphor is one such ingredient which is said to have various astrological and religious benefits.

Use camphor in Aarti

Whenever you perform aartiks of Bhagwan Shiva on Mondays or other days of Sawan, always keep in mind that you should use camphor. For this, whenever you perform aarti of Bhagwan Shiva, put a small piece of camphor along with the flame of the aarti. Meditate on Bhagwan Shiva while lighting camphor in the aarti and pray to him for the prosperity of the house.

Keep camphor and ghee lamp at the main door

If you light a lamp of camphor and ghee at the main door of the house on the Monday of Sawan, then there will always be happiness in your house. While lighting the lamp, pray for the economic condition of the house and seek the blessings of the wish for prosperity. With this remedy, Goddess Lakshmi also arrives from the main door in Sawan and happiness always remains in your home.

Camphor and rice remedy

For this, take a handful of raw rice and mix small pieces of camphor in it. Keep it on the left side of the main door while praying to Bhagwan Shiva for wealth gain and keep a camphor lamp lit near it. This will increase the sum of money in your life. Keep some part of this rice in your purse and keep some part in the safe of the house. This remedy will benefit you.

Offer camphor on Shivling

It is said that by offering camphor to Bhagwan Shiva, he becomes very happy very soon and remains home. You can offer camphor directly on the Shivling or you can also anoint Shiva with this water by mixing camphor in water.

You can try some special remedies of camphor in Sawan for wealth and prosperity. If you liked this story, then do share and like it on Facebook. To read more articles like this, stay connected with Do send us your thoughts in the comment box.