Reports claim that the former US President used to rip up and stuff presidential papers down the White House toilet

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Reports claim that the former US President used to rip up and stuff presidential papers down the White House toilet

As per a report, the former President of the United States of America used to stuff the presidential papers down the White House toilet. These documents include the official correspondence with the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, which were called “love letters” by Donald Trump. Also stashed was a letter which was left by the outgoing President Barack Obama for Trump in the Oval Office.

On Thursday, the former President’s list of alleged flouting laws on the preservation of the Presidential Papers seemed to grow longer and more bizarre, as the report of the official documents being ripped up and stuffed down the toilets has surfaced.

Reports claim that the former US President used to rip up and stuff presidential papers down the White House toilet1 Reports claim that the former US President used to rip up and stuff presidential papers down the White House toilet
Reports claim that the former US President used to rip up and stuff presidential papers down the White House toilet 6

Donald Trump was known for shredding many previously accepted norms of Presidential decorum but this time the National Archives of the US, which is responsible for the preservation of the presidential records wants the former president to be investigated once again for literally shredding White House official papers when he was in office among other things. 

As per the Washington Post, the National Archives has requested the Justice Department to open a probe against the practices of the former President of the US. This has come after the government records office had confirmed that 15 boxes filled with documents had been recovered from the Florida estate of Trump’s estate, which he allegedly took with him after he left Washington following a defeat in the reelection.

It was last week only that the Archives had reported the tearing apart of official documents by Donald Trump, some of the documents were taped back together as well. As per the 1978 PRA (Presidential Records Act) that was passed given the Watergate scandal, all the Presidents of the US are required to transfer all letters, emails, and other documents related to work to the National Archives.

Trump has responded by saying that he has not done anything wrong in the matter. In his statement on Thursday, he said that he had characterized his dealings with the National Archives as without any conflict and on a very friendly basis. He went on to say that the media is presenting fake news of his relationship with the National Archives and that it was exactly the opposite of what is being portrayed. He mentioned that it was a great honour working with the Archives and the NARA should help in the preservation of the Trump legacy formally.

He has cited these reports of the papers being flushed down by him as another fake story that is categorically untrue and simply made up by a reporter who wants to get publicity. This matter has been gaining a lot of traction as the Special Investigating committee is already investigating the January 6, 2020 assault done on the Capitol by supporters of Trump. 

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